Nelson Garden

Welcome to

the gardening friends of Nelson Garden

We want to help more people get closer to nature and discover how fun and rewarding gardening can be. And it’s even more fun when we can share our gardening adventures with other growers. We want to be a source of inspiration, lend a helping hand and act as a trusted friend.


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Partnerships with gardeners

Do you have a platform where you want to help more people get closer to nature and discover how fun and fulfilling gardening can be? It sounds like you could be a perfect match for us!

As a partner, you will help strengthen the Nelson Gardens brand and inspire even more people to get into gardening. We value long-term partnerships, and though the number of activities we are able to carry out varies from year to year we are always open to making new contacts and expanding the Nelson Garden family.

Apply to be a partner

Sponsoring projects and initiatives

At Nelson Garden, we want to support projects and initiatives that increase people’s interest in gardening and thereby help bring more people closer to nature. This is part of Nelson Garden’s long-term commitment to being a responsible member of society. Nelson Garden wants to contribute to an inclusive society, personal well-being and increased quality of life, by offering opportunities to garden.

Nelson Garden primarily supports organisations or recurring events focusing on the health and quality of life of children and young people, as well as projects or initiatives that promote biodiversity.

We do not sponsor organisations or events that conflict with Nelson Garden’s policies and values, or that are sponsored by other brands that conflict with them. We also do not sponsor individuals.

Apply for sponsorship

We support projects and initiatives in the following three areas:

Increasing interest in gardening

Increasing interest in gardening

Hälsa och livskvalitet  bland barn och unga

Hälsa och livskvalitet bland barn och unga

Biologisk mångfald

Biologisk mångfald

Read more about our gardening friends

School gardens in Vestfold and Telemark municipalities

In 2019, Norwegian company Skjærgårdsmat AS started a school gardening project and Nelson Garden was their natural partner. Children and young people in more than 30 schools from years 1–10 in the municipalities of Tønsberg and Færder are learning about where the food we eat comes from. Nelson Garden has contributed knowledge, inspiration and products so that children can learn to grow plants and discover the joy of gardening.

“We help the schools to create a good, healthy soil in their gardens and tell them about the different seed varieties that are selected. We select varieties that are easy to grow with varied and exciting flavours, as well as bee-friendly and edible flowers. The schools are given advice on what they can co-plant in the pallet collars and tips on care throughout the season,” says Veronika, Nelson Garden’s expert who has lent her expertise to this project.

Skolehager i Vestfold

Kryddträdgård Eriksberg

Kryddträdgården (the herb garden) is a collaboration between Nelson Garden and the Swedish wildlife park Eriksberg to increase interest in nature and gardening. Visitors can relax and get inspiration for their own gardening, while also helping bees, butterflies and other insects.

“We focus on exciting, tasty varieties and dig deeper into plants that have historical links to the old peatland culture in Blekinge. We also choose varieties with the chefs so that they can go out into the herb garden and harvest what they need directly for cooking,” says Kajsa Vildängen, a gardener at Eriksberg.

Eriksberg Kryddträdgård